EC Collective Agreement Vacation Leave Carry Over: What You Need to Know
As an employee covered by the EC Collective Agreement, you are entitled to a certain amount of vacation leave each year. But what happens if you can`t take all your vacation time? Can you carry it over to the next year? And if so, for how long?
Let`s dive into the details of EC Collective Agreement vacation leave carry over and explore everything you need to know.
Vacation Leave Entitlement Under the EC Collective Agreement
Before we get into the carry-over rules, let`s quickly review the vacation leave entitlements under the EC Collective Agreement. As per the agreement, all employees are entitled to:
• 3 weeks of vacation leave per year for the first five years of service
• 4 weeks of vacation leave per year after five years of service
• 5 weeks of vacation leave per year after twelve years of service
These entitlements are prorated based on an employee`s years of service if they work less than a full year.
Vacation Leave Carry Over Under the EC Collective Agreement
Under the EC Collective Agreement, employees are allowed to carry over a maximum of one year`s vacation leave entitlement to the next fiscal year. For example, if you have four weeks of vacation leave entitlement in a year, you can carry over up to four weeks to the next year.
However, there are certain conditions attached to this carry-over rule. First, you must have requested all your vacation leave, or at least attempted to request it, and were unable to take it due to operational requirements or other reasons beyond your control.
Second, you must use the carried-over vacation leave within the next fiscal year. If you don`t, it will be forfeited, and you won`t be compensated for it.
Procedures for Requesting Vacation Leave Carry Over
If you want to carry over your vacation leave entitlement, you must follow the procedures outlined in the EC Collective Agreement. Specifically, you must make a written request to your manager or supervisor, explaining the reasons why you were unable to take all your vacation time and indicating the number of days you wish to carry over.
Your manager or supervisor will review your request and determine whether it meets the conditions for carry-over. If it does, they will approve it and forward it to HR. If it does not, they will provide you with written reasons for the denial.
Final Thoughts
In summary, under the EC Collective Agreement, employees are allowed to carry over a maximum of one year`s vacation leave entitlement to the next fiscal year, provided they have requested all their vacation leave and were unable to take it due to operational requirements or other reasons beyond their control. To request carry-over, employees must follow the procedures outlined in the agreement and receive approval from their manager or supervisor.
By understanding the rules around vacation leave carry over, you can ensure that you make the most of your time off while still meeting your work obligations.
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